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In Search of Wisdom, Truth and Virtue  |  A Publication of the University of Dallas

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Why marriage stopped mattering —
and why it needs a comeback.

What's Really at Stake?

In this issue of Veritas, Ryan T. Anderson, PhD, reflects on why marriage is an institution of fundamental importance to social stability, how this statement has become controversial over the past two decades and what that means for society's future unless we revert course. Fill out the form above to access both the latest issue of Veritas and past issues as well. 

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Featured Presenter

Ryan T. Anderson, PhD

is the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He is the St. John Paul II Fellow in Social Thought at the University of Dallas and the author or co-author of 5 books, including the recently released Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing. The following is adapted from a speech he delivered at the University of Dallas in February.

"What is justice and what does it demand for a flourishing social and political life? Deep reflections on the institution of marriage are part of the pursuit of that sort of wisdom and the demands for virtuous action it entails."
Jonathan J. Sanford, Ph.D.
Read the Winter 2023 Issue of Veritas Now

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